On the procedure for submitting, reviewing and publishing scientific articles in the journal "Public Health of the Far East"

The editorial staff of the Public Health of the Far East journal strictly adheres to the international principles of publication ethics. The manuscript submitted to the journal should not have been previously published, and should not be simultaneously submitted to other publications.

The rules for authors are developed in accordance with ГОСТ Р 7.0.7-2021 “System of standards for information, librarianship and publishing. Articles in journals and proceedings. Publishing Design". The editors of the journal ask the authors to carefully read the requirements for manuscripts.

Articles should be written at a high scientific and methodological level, taking into account the requirements of international nomenclatures, reflect current problems, contain new scientific information, practical recommendations.

Before the main text of the article it is necessary to indicate:

1. Type of article - heading: "Clinical Medicine", "Preventive Medicine", "Experience Exchange". "Literature review".

2. UDC - The UDC index is placed at the beginning of the article шт a separate line on the left.

3. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is placed after the UDC index in a separate line on the left. Do not put a dot at the end of the DOI.

4. The title of the article is given in capital letters. Do not put a dot at the end of the title of the article. When an article is published in parts in several issues of the publication, the parts should be numbered, and all parts should indicate the common title of the article. If the parts have, in addition to the general, a private title, then it is given after the designation and number of the part.

5. The list of authors of the article is drawn up according to the scheme: last name, first name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, academic title, position indicating the main place of work (with postal code and address), work phone number, e-mail address. Separately, it is necessary to single out the author, with whom, if necessary, the editors will correspond. For the author who submits the article (preferably for each author of the article), an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) identifier is given - an alphanumeric code to uniquely identify academic authors. In the absence of an identifier, it can be obtained within a few minutes on the site https://orcid.org after registration.

The address of the organization (institution) where the author works or studies can be indicated in full. The author's e-mail address is given without the word “e-mail”, do not put a dot after the e-mail address. ORCID is given in the form of an electronic address on the Internet. Do not put a dot at the end of ORCID. The name of the organization (institution), its address, e-mail address and the ORCID of the author are separated from each other by commas.


Sergey Yurievich Glazyev Financial University, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4616-075

If the article has several authors, then the names of the authors are given in the sequence adopted by them. At the same time, information about the place of work (study), e-mail addresses, ORCID of the authors are indicated after the names of the authors on different lines and are associated with the names using superscript numerical designations.


Pyotr Anatolyevich Korotkov1, Alexey Borisovich Trubyanov2, Ekaterina Andreevna Zagainova3

1Volga State Technological University, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0340-074X

2Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2342-9355

3Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5432-7231

If the authors have the same place of work and study, then this information is given once.


Yulia Albertovna Zubok1, Vladimir Ilyich Chuprov2

1,2Institute for Socio-Political Research, Federal Research Sociological Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia 1This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3108-261 2This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., https http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7881-938

If there are more than four authors, on the first page of the article it is allowed to give the names, patronymics in the form of initials and surnames of the authors. Names, patronymics in full form and surnames, as well as e-mail addresses, ORCID authors are placed in this case at the end of the article, along with additional information about the authors. At the same time, one of the authors is indicated on the front page of the article as the author responsible for correspondence (first name, patronymic, full surname, email address).


M. K. Gulimov1, Yu. I. Ammur1, A. S. Seleznev2, N. V. Davydova2, V. V. Zverev1,  O. A. Svitich1

1I. I. Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums, Moscow, Russia

2First Moscow State Medical University named I. M. Sechenova (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia

Corresponding author: Yulia Igorevna Ammur, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

6. Abstract. The abstract is preceded by the word “Abstract”. A summary may be given instead of an abstract. The volume of the summary cannot exceed 250–300 words, about 1800 characters, including the title, full name of the authors, name and address of the organization, key words). The summary should briefly reflect the main provisions of the work and basically repeat the structure of the article: "Purpose", "Material and methods", "Results", "Conclusion".

7. Key words (from 3 to 15) should correspond to the topic of the article and reflect its subject, terminological area. Do not use generalized and polysemantic words, as well as phrases containing participial phrases. The number of keywords (phrases) should not be less than 3 and more than 15 words (phrases). They are given, preceded by the words “Key words:” (“Key words:”), and separated from each other by commas. There is no dot after key words.

8. After the key words, words of gratitude are given to organizations (institutions), supervisors and other persons who assisted in the preparation of the article. This section begins with the preceding word "Acknowledgements:". In English, words of gratitude are given after keywords in English, preceded by the word “Acknowledgments:”.

Acknowledgments: The Russian Science Foundation, Project No. 17-77-300, supported the work; the authors are grateful to Aleksey V. Zimin for providing the bottom topography data of the White Sea.

Items 1-8 are repeated in English.

Information about the author (authors) is repeated in English after the title of the article in English. The name and surname of the author (authors) are given in transliterated form in Latin in full, the patronymic is reduced to one letter (in some cases, due to the peculiarities of transliteration, to two letters).


Sergey Yu. Glaz'ev Financial University, Moscow, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4616-075

Information about the academic degree and title of the author can be given in an abbreviated form.

Example - Author Information

S. Yu. Glaziev - Doctor of Economics. sciences, prof., acad. Ros. acad. Sciences.

Information about the author

S. Yu. Glaz'ev - Dr. sci. (Econ.), Prof., Acad. of the Russ. Acad. of Sciences.


The text of the article follows.

Articles related to original research should have sections:

"Introduction", which briefly outlines the current state of the issue, substantiates the relevance and purpose of the study.

"Materials and methods". This section should provide comprehensive information about the object of study and the sample under study, research methods and methods of statistical processing of the data obtained. It is obligatory to indicate the criteria for dividing (inclusion/exclusion) of research objects into groups. A complete list of all statistical methods used should be provided. References such as "standard statistical methods were used" are not allowed without a specific description of them. The critical significance level “p” adopted in this study is necessarily indicated. If the indicator can be calculated by different methods, and they are described in the paper, then it should be noted which calculation method is used (for example, Pearson's, Spearman's, biserial, etc.). All statistical terms, abbreviations and symbols used must be precisely defined. For example, x is the mean value, σ is the standard deviation, etc. In each specific case, the sample size (n) used to calculate the statistical criteria should be given.

Average values ​​should not be given more accurately than one decimal place compared to the original data. If the data analysis was carried out using a software statistical package, you must specify its name and version.

All quotations, chemical formulas, tables and dosages of drugs given in articles must be carefully verified by the author. Units of measurement are given according to the SI system. Abbreviations of words, names and titles (except for generally accepted ones) without decoding are not allowed, the number of abbreviations, phrases most often found in the text, with decoding - no more than four. Abbreviations are given in the text of the work at the first mention of the term, for example: “25 patients with allergic rhinitis (AR) were examined…”.

The names and countries of manufacture of the used equipment, diagnostic equipment, kits for laboratory analysis should be given, indicating the reference values ​​of individual indicators. It is necessary to indicate the international names of all drugs and chemicals used in the work, the doses and methods of their administration. When using generally accepted research methods, one can confine oneself to the corresponding literary references.

"Research Results". This section provides a concise and substantiated presentation of the specific results of the work without discussing them. Expression of the author's opinion, interpretation of the obtained results, references to the works of other groups of authors are not allowed. Subheadings can be used if necessary. The data given in the text should not be duplicated in tables and figures.

“Discussion of the findings” should not repeat the “results of the study”, but present the results of their analysis using literature data. In this section, discussions that are not related to the materials given in the "Results of the study" should be avoided. References to works by other authors are allowed. It is not necessary to repeat in detail the data already described in the "Introduction" or "Results of the study".

"Conclusion" ("Conclusions"). In this section, it is advisable to summarize the main provisions arising from the materials of the work, or to formulate conclusions. Reasonable recommendations may also be included in this section.

All of these sections begin with their respective subheadings.

The main text of an article in a publication can only be in one language. Captions and captions to the illustrative material are given in the language of the text of the article.

The text should be typed in Arial or Times New Roman, size 12 or 14, without double spaces and hyphens in the middle of the word; on one side of the sheet, no more than 30 lines per page (one and a half spacing). The text of the article should contain links to illustrations (tables). Tables and figures are made on separate sheets. All illustrations are indicated in the text in brackets using continuous numbering (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.). Original photographs must be black and white, rectangular and contrasting, drawings must be clear (color illustrations are submitted in agreement with the editors). The first copy of drawings and photographs should not contain additional designations (letters, arrows, etc.), on the back of the second copy their number, the name of the first author, the title of the article should be indicated with a soft pencil, indicate the top and bottom. Figures and photographs are placed in a separate envelope, which indicates the name of the first author and the title of the article. On a separate sheet, two copies must be provided with captions to the illustrations in the order of their numbering in Russian and English. Captions for microphotographs should indicate the staining method and magnification. Repetition of the material of tables in figures and text is not allowed.

For graphs, charts or bar charts, the numerical data on which they are based must be provided.

Tables should be clear, titled and numbered, column headings should correspond to their content. The figures given in the tables should not be repeated in the text. All tables in the text of the article should be referenced in parentheses using continuous numbering, for example, (Table 1), (Table 2), etc.

The volume of original articles should not exceed 20,000 characters with spaces (10 pages), reviews - 40,000 characters (20 pages) with spaces, brief communications - 10,000 characters (7 pages) with spaces, including a list of references (without appendices, tables, drawings).

After the main text of the article are indicated:

1. Information about the contribution of each author (after the surname and initials of the author, his personal contribution to the writing of the article is briefly described: idea, collection of material, processing of the material, writing the article, scientific editing of the text of the article, etc.). The wording is acceptable: "All authors made an equivalent contribution to the preparation of the publication." This statement is preceded by the words "Contribution of the authors:".


Contribution of the authors:

Artemyeva S. S. – scientific management; research concept; methodology development; participation in the development of curricula and their implementation; writing the draft; final conclusions.

Mitrokhin V. V. – participation in the development of curricula and their implementation; follow-on revision of the text; final conclusions.

2. Absence or presence of a conflict of interest. Information about the absence or presence of a conflict of interest and the details of such a conflict, if any, are given at the end of the article after the "Information about the authors". If the article provides data on the contribution of each author, then information about the absence or presence of a conflict of interest is indicated after them.

Example −

Contribution of the authors: the authors contributed equally to this article.

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

The form of outline, sequence and location of the elements of the publishing design of the articles are uniform in all editions of the publication.

Words and phrases in the elements of publishing design of the article are not abbreviated, except for information about the academic degree and title of the author, words and phrases in bibliographic references and lists according to ГОСТ 7.11, ГОСТ Р 7.0.12.

Each article in the publication is published from a new page.

The bibliographic list for the article is given in accordance with ГОСТ 7.0.5-2008. The list of bibliographic references is placed after the main text of the article with the preceding words "References". Bibliographic entries in the list of bibliographic references are numbered and placed in the order of citation of sources in the text of the article.

Examples of citing various publications:

Articles from magazines and collections:

1. Gabueva L.A. Ensuring internal quality control of personnel management of medical organizations in the context of the introduction of an "effective contract" // Bulletin of Roszdravnadzor. 2014. N 4. P.53-56.

2. Kuchar S. Treatment outcomes of micropulse transscleral cyclopho-tocoagulation in advanced glaucoma // Lasers Med Sci. 2016. Vol. 31, No2. P. 393–396.

3. Seregina I., Bobrova S., Ivanov I. The state of organization and conduct of internal quality control and safety of medical activities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation // Vestnik Roszdravnadzor, 2016. N 6. P.34-37.

4. Uvarova A.V., Afanas'eva L.N., Savvina N.V. Conducting an in-depth medical examination of adolescents in the city of Yakutsk // Priority directions for the development of health care in the Far East and the Baikal region: problems and prospects. Interregional scientific and practical conference. April 8-9, 2013: collection of scientific papers. Yakutsk: NEFU Publishing House, 2013. C. 289-294.


1. Prokhorenko V. M. Primary and revision hip arthroplasty. Novosibirsk, 2007, p. 196.

2. Uyba V.V., Chernyshev V.M., Pushkarev O.V. Economic methods of management in health care. Novosibirsk. Alpha-resource LLC. 2012. 314 p.

3. Ringsven M.K., Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nded. Albany (N.Y.): DelmarPublishers, 1996. 320p.


Savvina V.A. Improving the system of medical care for newborns with surgical pathology in the conditions of the Northern region (on the example of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)) : Abstract of the thesis. dis. Dr. med. Sciences. M., 2013. 40 p.


Antysheva E.N. Features of somatic and mental health of young children during the period of adaptation in foster families: dis. cand. honey. Sciences. Ivanovo, 2021, pp. 60-64.


Scientific Council on hygiene and health protection of children and adolescents: analyt. review of research work carried out in 2007 / Ros. acad. honey. Sciences, Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents. M.: Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents, 2008. 36 p.


Yanchuk V.P., Khripkova L.S. A method for stabilizing intrathoracic pressure after pulmonectomy // Patent of Russia No. 2288647, 2007. Bull. No. 36.

Internet Documents:

Yankovsky V.E., Sargsyan B.A. Fracture and its morphological features // Medline.ru. Volume 4, Art. 73 (pp. 99-100). February. 2003 URL: http://www.medline.ru/public/sudm/art2-44.phtml (accessed 28.10.2008).

Bibliographic references in the text of the article should be indicated by serial numbers, under which the sources appear in the list of references, in square brackets. No more than 20 sources are cited in original articles, 30-60 sources are cited in reviews, and up to 10 sources are cited in brief infrormation materials. The text should not contain references to sources not included in the off-text bibliographic list.

Separately, a bibliographic list is attached with the translation of data in Russian into English.

By putting his signature under the article, the author thereby transfers non-exclusive rights to publish the editorial board. The editors reserve the right to shorten and correct manuscripts. Proofreading is not sent to the authors. Works are published free of charge in order of priority. Author's royalties are not paid. The receipt of the article by the editorial office confirms the full agreement of the author with the rules of the journal. Works not accepted for publication will not be returned to the authors.

In each issue of the journal, no more than two articles by one author are allowed, but only in one of them can he be the first author.

Materials for publication are accepted and sent to the address: Postgraduate Institute for Public Health Workers, 680009, Khabarovsk, 9 Krasnodarskaya Street,  as well as by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., in addition, are accepted in office. 120, first floor of Postgraduate institute for Public Health Workers (Editorial Board of the Journal), with a referral from the head of the organization or supervisor to the editor-in-chief of the scientific and practical journal "Public Health of the Far East", Galina Vsevolodovna Chizhova, MD, Professor. If you have any questions, please contact the editorial office at tel. +7 (4212) 27-25-10.

Submitted documents must contain:

1. Original or scanned copy of the author's offer, if sent by e-mail, signed by the author. In the case of writing an article by a group of authors, the offer is sent to the editor by each author.

2. Printed first and second copies of the text of the article on A4 sheets (210 × 297 mm, text margins - 2.5 cm on each side) at one and a half intervals. At the end of the article, each author must put a handwritten signature with a clear indication of the last name, first name and patronymic in full.

3. Summary in Russian.

4. An electronic version of the article on CD or DVD, flash drive with text and tables in Word format (DOC or RTF), drawings in TIFF, PSD, JPG formats (resolution not lower than 300 dpi) for raster graphics, CDR, AI – for vector graphics. Tables and charts in Excel (XLS) format are acceptable. Diagrams embedded in Word, photographs, scanned images are accepted only if there are source files in the specified formats.

5. An official referral from the institution where the work was performed (with an indication that the work has not been previously published or submitted to other publications), and, if necessary, an expert opinion.

Articles that do not comply with the specified rules are returned to the authors without consideration by the editorial board.

If the article is returned to the author for revision, then along with the new text, the author of the article must return to the editors the original version, as well as a review of the article with an answer to the questions and comments of the reviewer.

The works of graduate students and applicants are published free of charge, and a referral from a supervisor is required. Articles that have the character of "custom-made", the purpose of which is to inform about a particular drug (device, service), its promotion in order to obtain benefits by the manufacturer, are published on a paid basis with the mark "On the Rights of Advertising".

The authors and the editors enter into a copyright agreement. The written form of the contract for the alienation of the exclusive right is considered to be complied with and the contract between the author and the editors is concluded when the editors accept the author’s offer in the form of registration of the work of the author / authors in the register of documents received by the editorial office of the Public Health of the Far East journal within 3 (three) working days . The form of the author's offer is attached to these Rules. The editors reserve the right to place fragments of articles, summaries and bibliographic lists in mass electronic databases and web pages. Issues of the journal are placed in the electronic library e-Library http://www.elibrary.ru/. The full texts of the journal issues are posted on the IPKSZ website http://www.ipksz.ru/ in the "Editorial and Publishing Activities" tab or at the IPKSZ link http://www.zdravdv.ucoz.ru/.


Names and e-mail addresses entered on the website of this magazine will be used solely for the purposes indicated by this magazine and will not be used for any other purpose or provided to other persons and organizations.

In order to maintain a high scientific and theoretical level of the publication and in order to select the most valuable and relevant (promising) scientific papers, all articles received by the editors of the Public Health of the Far East are independently reviewed.

First of all, all scientific articles received by the editorial office are registered in the register indicating the date of receipt, title, full name of the author (s), place of work of the author (s).

Primary review is carried out by the editorial board on the instructions of the deputy editor-in-chief within 3 working days for compliance with the profile of the journal, design requirements, and then sent for review to one or, if necessary, two reviewers.

Reviewing is carried out by a specialist-reviewer on a gratuitous basis from among the scientific and pedagogical workers approved by the order of the rector of the Postgraduate institute for Public Health of the Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk Krai, who oversees the relevant direction / scientific discipline, who have the academic degree of doctor or candidate of science, who have 3 years of publication on the subject of the peer-reviewed article.

Reviewers are notified by the editors that the manuscripts sent to them are the intellectual property of the authors and are classified as confidential information. Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of articles for their own needs. The review is confidential. Violation of confidentiality is possible only if the reviewer claims that the materials contained in the article are unreliable or falsified.

The reviewer who reviews this scientific article cannot be its author (co-author).

Reviewing of materials submitted to the editors of the journal "Public Health of the Far East" is carried out with confidentiality, and the name of the reviewer(s) is not disclosed to the author.

Scientific articles and scientific reports sent (transferred) to the editorial office on their own initiative by authors who do not have a scientific degree are subject to mandatory review.

The reviewer must consider the article sent to him within the established time limits and send to the editorial office by e-mail either a properly executed review or a reasoned refusal to review.

The reviewer evaluates the compliance of the article with the scientific profile of the journal, its relevance, novelty, theoretical and practical significance, the presence of conclusions and recommendations, compliance with the established formatting rules.

The terms of review are determined taking into account the creation of conditions for the most prompt publication of the article, but not more than 15 working days from the date of receipt of the editorial assignment for reviewing the article.

The review should contain precise wording, giving the author a clear idea of ​​the compliance of the material with the requirements.

The reviewer's data is indicated only in the first copy of the review, which remains in the editorial office.

The originals of reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years from the date of issue of the issue of the printed edition in which the reviewed work is placed.

Copies of reviews are sent to the Ministry of Health of the Khabarovsk Krai upon receipt of a corresponding request by the editorial office.

The decision to publish a scientific article is made by the editorial board of the journal "Public Health of the Far East" on the basis of an expert opinion (review) of the reviewer, taking into account the compliance of the submitted materials with the thematic focus of the periodical, their scientific significance and relevance.

Based on the results of the review, the scientific article can either be rejected, or sent to the authors for revision, or accepted for publication. In case of refusal to publish the article, the editors send a reasoned refusal to the authors.

The content of the review is brought to the attention of the author within 5 working days after the editors receive the expert opinion.

A scientific article in need of revision is sent to the author with the comments of the reviewer and editor. In this case, the date of receipt by the editorial office is the date of return of the revised article.

The author must make all necessary corrections to the final version of the manuscript and return to the editors the corrected text, as well as its identical electronic version, along with the original version and a cover letter-response to the reviewer, containing answers to all comments and explaining all changes made in the article.

A scientific article sent to the author for correction must be returned to the editorial office in corrected form within one month after its receipt by the author.

After completion, the scientific article is re-reviewed, and the editors decide on the possibility of publication.

If the author disagrees with the reviewer's comments, the author has the right to submit a reasoned objection to the editorial office within 10 working days.

The author's objections must be considered by the members of the editorial board within 10 working days after the editorial office receives a motivated objection.

The editorial board reserves the right to reject articles if the author is unable or unwilling to take into account the wishes of the reviewer.

If there are negative reviews of the manuscript from two different reviewers or one review of its revised version, the article is rejected without consideration by other members of the editorial board.

The reviewer is responsible for the compliance of the articles reviewed by him, which received from him a recommendation for publication in the journal Health of the Far East, with the criteria for scientific publications.

The decision on the expediency of publication after review is made by the Deputy Editor-in-Chief.

The maximum review period between the date of receipt of the manuscript by the editorial office and the decision of the editorial board is 2 months.

The recommended volume of the review is up to 1.5 pages of A4 text, 12 pt. The following review structure is recommended:

  • full title of the article, position of the author of the article, full name, author;
  • a brief description of the problem to which the article is devoted;
  • assessment of the relevance of the problem considered in the scientific article;
  • the most important aspects disclosed by the author in the article;
  • scientific novelty of the results presented in the article - indicate the specific provisions of the article, which, in the opinion of the reviewer, have scientific novelty;
  • assessment of the theoretical and practical significance of the research results by the author;
  • assessment of the reliability and validity of the provisions of the article;
  • critical remarks of the reviewer;
  • a general conclusion about the scientific level of the article, containing recommendations for its publication, the need for revision or rejection of the article.



Postgraduate Institute for Public Health Workers

To the Editorial Board of the

Public Health of the Far East Journal

9 Krasnodarskaya Street, Khabarovsk, 680009

tel. (4212) 27-25-10; E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


I, __________________________________, ___________________ Passport __________ No.

(surname, name, patronymic)                                                                                   (series)

issued ___________________________________________________________________________


                                                                       (the date)

tel. __________________, e-mail _____________________,

Acting on my own behalf and in my interests, I propose the Postgraduate Institute for Public Health Workers subsequently called “Publishing House”, to conclude with me a free agreement on alienation in full in favor of the publishing house of the exclusive right to the article






                                                      (title of the article)

The full text of which (hereinafter referred to as the “article”), together with the original of the offer or its scanned copy, is sent to the publishing house.

I guarantee the publisher that I am the author of the article, and that at the time of sending this offer to the publishing house, all intellectual rights to the article belong to me, are not in the pledge, are not under arrest and are not burdened by third parties in any other way.

I confirm my consent to consider the written form of a gratuitous agreement between me and the publishing house on the alienation of the exclusive right to article compared from the moment of acceptance of this offer by the publishing house in the manner prescribed by the editorial policy.

I also give my consent to storage and processing by the publishing house of all my personal data specified in this document. This consent was issued for the entire duration of the exclusive right to the article.

In case of acceptance by the publishing house of this offer in the form of registration of the article in the journal of registration of documents entering the editorial office of the journal "Public Health of the Far East" within 3 (three) business days, the exclusive right to a work free from any rights of third parties is fully transferred to the publishing house since such an acceptance.


(Full name) / signature


                                                                                                                                  (date, dd.mm.yy)